About Hypnotherapy


 All Is Mind Hypnotherapy serves as a motivating guide that aids and seeks to inspire minds to achieve the best of their potential. Utilizing this empowerment through your growth and our nurturing hand, you will leave a session feeling more engaged with your truth, better prepared for your future and highly inspired to engage and activate your life’s purpose.

You will never cease to question; am I actively living the best of me? 

Passing the torch to you! You will leave a session feeling a greater sense of control in life!

How Does Hypnosis Work?

Hypnotherapy combines cognitive talk therapy and hypnosis as an adjunct form of therapeutic catalyst for change. Every session consists of the collaboration of hypnotherapist and the client to access areas of the mind that formed from birth and work to gain mastery over behavior patterns, better cope with anxiety or pain and instigate relaxation. The subconscious mind does not know the difference between reality and imagination, therefore combatting limiting subconscious beliefs with the client’s conscious desires for change results in a therapeutic process of expansive outcome. While under hypnosis, one is experiencing a heightened and receptive state of mind where the client is aware and willing of all actions to an empowering future.

Hypnosis is a state of deeply focused concentration where a client can achieve great benefit over time. Hypnotherapy, similar to other forms of therapy requires willingness and time to achieve desired outcomes; hypo-miracles can happen in one session but this could be a false expectation depending on the presenting concern. There are many depth levels when experiencing hypnosis and a client will see impact even from minimal depth.

Natural mental states ate utilized to one’s advantage during the process. Hypnosis creates natural alpha and theta brainwaves to open the subconscious mind and allow for easier absorption of aligned values and goals for the client. The usual analytical mind is relaxed and more willing to allow change to occur. These natural hypnotic states are areas of mental activity between beta(fully awake) and delta(deep asleep).

Zoom sessions are offered as well! Hypnotherapy phone sessions are equally effective as in-office sessions & provide clients with the same hypno-therapeautic benefits. (Only Zoom sessions during COVID-19)

Sessions include a cognitive discussion about the presenting concern, suggestibility testings and clinical hypnosis!

How Do We Start?

❂ Free 15 Minute Phone Consultation: to coordinate a therapeutic treatment plan moving forward

❂ First Session: 90 minutes

❂ Subsequent Sessions: 60 minutes